
Lgbtq seniors

Our growing population of LGBTQ seniors will roughly double to 6 million Americans by 2030. Unfortunately, decades of marginalization and legal and institutional barriers have left many LGBTQ seniors with considerable challenges in their twilight years. These obstacles include higher rates of poverty, pronounced social isolation, and inadequate access to health care due to barriers in the aging system and past discrimination. In 2016, President Obama reauthorized the 1965 Older Americans Act which provides services and support - including access to essential health services - for elderly people nationwide. However, this legislation did not specifically address the needs of LGBTQ seniors. Advocates say discrimination poses the greatest threat to these seniors. Studies show LGBTQ seniors face health problems linked to societal stigma, discrimination and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against LGBTQ seniors has been associated with high rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and suicide. Personal, family and social acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity affects the mental health and personal safety of many of our LGBTQ seniors.

Proposed legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.1777 - Ruthie and Connie LGBT Elder Americans Act of 2019
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (OR)

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Poll Opening Date
March 10, 2025
Poll Closing Date
March 16, 2025