Traffic cameras

Traffic citation cameras, now used in 16 states and more than 700 cities, are usually mounted at street intersections to photograph drivers who run red lights or speed. These motorists are then mailed a citation once the photo has been reviewed. Citations can cost drivers more than $300, of which camera manufacturers typically receive a large percentage. It is estimated that each of these cameras will generate more than 500 citations every year, creating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for city governments and camera manufacturers.
Proponents say it is an effective way to improve driving safety since many serious accidents result from speeding or occur at street intersections. They claim intersection accidents have decreased after red light cameras were installed.
Critics disagree saying studies show these devices cause rear-end accidents at intersections in which they operate. Several years ago, a Los Angeles study showed a tripling of these types of accidents in 20 of the 32 intersections studied. They claim the real reasons for these cameras are to increase local revenue and reduce police personnel. They say police officers should not be replaced with a device that eliminates an officer’s presence, interpretation and discretion.
Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.2962 - Traffic Camera Freedom Act of 2019
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa (CA)
Proponents say it is an effective way to improve driving safety since many serious accidents result from speeding or occur at street intersections. They claim intersection accidents have decreased after red light cameras were installed.
Critics disagree saying studies show these devices cause rear-end accidents at intersections in which they operate. Several years ago, a Los Angeles study showed a tripling of these types of accidents in 20 of the 32 intersections studied. They claim the real reasons for these cameras are to increase local revenue and reduce police personnel. They say police officers should not be replaced with a device that eliminates an officer’s presence, interpretation and discretion.
Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.2962 - Traffic Camera Freedom Act of 2019
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa (CA)
Poll Opening Date
March 3, 2025
Poll Closing Date
March 9, 2025