
Early childhood education

Between the time of birth and age three, research shows a child's brain doubles in size. High quality childcare can promote the mental development of children and their later success in school. These programs, including some with medical care, are credited with improving the reading, mathematics, language and social skills of those children enrolled. Quality preschool programs also help narrow the achievement gap between economically disadvantaged children and their peers. Studies show that each dollar spent today on quality preschool programs will return seven dollars to society in the future. However, there is a drastic shortage of affordable quality preschool programs available to many working families. Recent surveys have found that only three in ten 4-year-olds now have access to state-funded preschool programs. Education advocates say the effectiveness of early childhood education is primarily related to low child-to-staff ratios, staff education, experience, salaries and specialized training.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.7092 - Universal Prekindergarten and Early Childhood Education Act of 2022
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Eleanor Norton (DC-At Large)

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Poll Opening Date
March 3, 2025
Poll Closing Date
March 9, 2025