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Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing accounts for at least 25% of all global catches each year. IUU fishing includes catching undersized fish, fishing in closed waters or taking more fish than allowed. Coastal nations have exclusive economic zones in which offshore fishing is prohibited. International agreements also prohibit the fishing of protected species on the high seas. However, advocates say there is little enforcement or punishment for illegal fishing operations. Much of the damage to fisheries is caused by fleets of large international commercial fishing trawlers. Advocates say most of these large fishing operations abide by the law, but many others fish without licenses, use illegal fishing gear, conceal their identities and fail to report catches. These distant-water fishing fleets use modern technology to pursue and catch fish in virtually every part of every ocean. These ships offload their catch onto large processing vessels which process, freeze and transport huge quantities of fish, allowing trawlers to continue fishing nearly non-stop. Some call commercial fishing operations “the last buffalo hunt,” with too many fishing boats chasing a dwindling number of fish that have no place to hide.

Our State Dept. reports that China is the world’s worst perpetrator of IUU fishing, operating the largest distant-water fishing fleet of at least 1,600-3,400 ships, and perhaps many more. It noted a significant increase in illegal fishing by Chinese-flagged vessels within the exclusive economic zones of other countries in almost every region of the world. Advocates say the Chinese ships are taking advantage of weak enforcement and supervision from local and Chinese authorities - to the detriment of local fishermen and the environment. Many millions of people throughout the world depend on fisheries for employment, sustenance and recreation. Advocates say if there is to be enough fish for current and future generations, everyone involved in fishing must help conserve and manage the world’s fisheries at sustainable levels.

The Biden administration recently announced sanctions against 170 Chinese entities for illegal fishing in the Pacific amid concerns that China is over-fishing and using its fishing fleet to expand Beijing's maritime influence.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of S.1227 - FISH Act of 2023
Prospective Sponsor: Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK)

Polling Options
  • I oppose reforming current illegal fishing policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Leader John Thune (SD).
  • I support establishing a blacklist of vessels with a history of conducting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities by: 1.) Requiring the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to establish the blacklist and issue regulations governing its administration. NOAA must add a vessel to the list if NOAA has a reasonable basis to believe that the vessel contributes to IUU fishing in certain ways, such as by (a.) exceeding applicable catch limits; (b.) engaging in fishing on the high seas involving the use of forced labor; or (c.) providing nonemergency fueling, resupply, or other services to a vessel on the blacklist. 2.) Prohibiting, a vessel on the blacklist from accessing U.S. ports or making deliveries in U.S. waters. No U.S. vessel may service a vessel that is on the blacklist, except for emergency or enforcement purposes. A blacklisted vessel and its cargo, with some exceptions, shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture. 3.) Requiring the President to impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on any foreign person (i.e., individual or entity) that is the beneficial owner of a vessel on the blacklist. 4.) Increasing Coast Guard observation of vessels on the high seas suspected of IUU fishing and related practices. 5.) requiring U.S. Customs and Border Protection to issue regulations regarding the verification of seafood imports to block imports of seafood harvested by foreign vessels using forced labor. And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
Winning Option
  • I support establishing a blacklist of vessels with a history of conducting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities by:

    1.) Requiring the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to establish the blacklist and issue regulations governing its administration. NOAA must add a vessel to the list if NOAA has a reasonable basis to believe that the vessel contributes to IUU fishing in certain ways, such as by (a.) exceeding applicable catch limits; (b.) engaging in fishing on the high seas involving the use of forced labor; or (c.) providing nonemergency fueling, resupply, or other services to a vessel on the blacklist.

    2.) Prohibiting, a vessel on the blacklist from accessing U.S. ports or making deliveries in U.S. waters. No U.S. vessel may service a vessel that is on the blacklist, except for emergency or enforcement purposes. A blacklisted vessel and its cargo, with some exceptions, shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture.

    3.) Requiring the President to impose property- and visa-blocking sanctions on any foreign person (i.e., individual or entity) that is the beneficial owner of a vessel on the blacklist.

    4.) Increasing Coast Guard observation of vessels on the high seas suspected of IUU fishing and related practices.

    5.) requiring U.S. Customs and Border Protection to issue regulations regarding the verification of seafood imports to block imports of seafood harvested by foreign vessels using forced labor.

    And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Sen. Dan Sullivan (AK) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.
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March 3, 2025
Pledge Period - Closing Date
March 9, 2025
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March 10, 2025