Trustee Election
These are the original issues in this subcategory

Climate geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s climate system to reduce the effects of climate change. Our climate is a result of the amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth and the amount of heat reflected and radiated back into space. This balance depends on several variables including reflectivity, cloud coverage, the amount of heat absorbed by the Earth, and the amount of heat trapped in our atmosphere by greenhouse gasses. For geoengineering to succeed, at least one of these variables must be changed. Geoengineering strategies consist of either increasing Earth’s reflectance or blocking incoming solar radiation so we receive less heat, or reducing greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to allow more heat to radiate back into space. Scientists also worry about the albedo effect. As Earth warms and ice melts, this white reflective surface is replaced by dark heat-absorbing oceans and lands, creating a feedback loop that melts more ice and forces our planet to retain more and more heat.

Proposals to increase the reflectance of incoming solar radiation include the injection of sulfur particles into the stratosphere, the seeding of clouds and the placement of millions of tiny orbital mirrors or sunshades into space. Other geoengineering proposals are designed to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. One calls for building machines to capture CO2 in sorbent material and remove it for burial. However, scientists warn geoengineering by itself will not fix our climate crisis. These techniques are meant to augment carbon reduction efforts, not replace them. Unfortunately, all large-scale climate geoengineering research has consisted of computer modeling and laboratory testing.

Proposed Legislation: Reintroduction of H.R.4586 - Geoengineering Research Evaluation Act of 2017 (115th Congress (2017-2018)
Prospective Sponsor: Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA)


  • I oppose reforming current climate geoengineering policy and wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Speaker Mike Johnson (LA).
  • I support requiring the Department of Energy to contract with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to conduct a study and develop:

    1.) A Phase I report recommending a research agenda for advancing understanding of albedo modification strategies that involve atmospheric interventions, such as cloud modification.

    2.) A Phase II report that provides specific guidance on governance mechanisms for the proposed research agenda developed in Phase I.

    3.) After the completion of the Phase II report, the Office of Science and Technology Policy must report to Congress on an implementation plan for geoengineering research and research governance.

    And wish to donate resources to the campaign committee of Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA) and/or to an advocate group currently working with this issue.

Winning Option
There has been $ 0.00 pledged in support of this issue

Trustee Candidates
To participate in the Trustee Election you must first pledge support to this issue.

Representative Stephen Lynch
If elected as a trustee, the campaign committee of Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA) will be unconditionally awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting him to favorably consider either reintroducing H.R.4586 - Geoengineering Research Evaluation Act of 2017 (115th Congress (2017-2018), or a similar version thereof.

Environmental Defense Fund
If elected as a trustee, Environmental Defense Fund will be awarded the funds pledged to this issue along with a letter requesting these funds be used to work and advocate for increased funding for research on viable geoengineering projects that have the potential to reduce the effects of climate change.

Environmental Defense Fund's mission is to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends. For more than 50 years we’ve been pioneers, using science and different perspectives to make the environment safer and healthier for us all. We work to solve the most critical environmental problems facing the planet. This has drawn us to areas that span the biosphere: climate, oceans, ecosystems and health. Since these topics are intertwined, our solutions take a multidisciplinary approach. We work in concert with other organizations — as well as with business, government and communities — and avoid duplicating work already being done effectively by others.
Click here if you wish to make a pledge.
Trustee Election - Opening Date
March 10, 2025
Trustee Election - Closing Date
March 17, 2025